Speech and Language Therapy in DERBYSHIRE, Nottinghamshire, Essex and UK Wide
Conscious Communication SLT is a private Speech, Language, Communication and Behaviour Therapy service serving Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Essex and East London. We provide therapy and consultancy services for children with a full range of speech, language and communication needs, alongside specific specialist services for adults. We currently hold face-to-face clinics in Brentwood (Essex ) and in Nottingham.
We also offer 'virtual' assessment and therapy sessions over Skype and Zoom.
Home visits are available on request.
Conscious Communication SLT provides contracted and one-off consultancy services to schools, academies, nurseries and pre-schools in Essex and Derbyshire.
We are registered members of the following organisations:
Health and Care Professions Council
Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice (ASLTIP)

Claire Sims BA BSc MA MRCSLT
Specialist Speech, Language,
Communication and Behavioural Therapist
Hello! I'm Claire and I run a private Speech and Language Therapy service across South and West Essex, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. Click here to learn more about me, my experience and areas of specialism.
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We see children with a wide range of speech, language, communication and behavioural needs. If you are worried about your child's speech and language development, their communication or their behaviour then please get in touch. We also provide assessment and reports for tribunals and EHCP applications.
Click here to read more about our Speech, Language and Communication Therapy services for children.
We offer a specialist service for adults with certain psychogenic voice disorders and for adults who stammer, including adults who have stammered since childhood, as well as those who have acquired a stammer in adulthood.
Click here to read more about our Speech, Language and Communication Therapy services for adults.
We offer bespoke packages to mainstream primary and secondary schools, academies, special schools, nurseries and preschools.
We offer full days, half days and specialist services depending on the needs and budget of your school.
Click here to read more about our Speech, Language and Communication Therapy services for schools, academies, preschools and nurseries.

Following a successful career as a Speech and Language Therapist in the NHS, working across the North of England and later within a number of East London Boroughs across a variety of settings, Claire identified that a growing need for effective, direct Speech & Language Therapy (SLT) was in contrast with the reducing amount of SLT provision being provided by the NHS. On a daily basis Claire spoke to parents and teachers who wanted a 'top-up' to the service they were receiving from the NHS. Following a move to Essex, Claire began to develop a portfolio of private SLT work culminating in her establishing Conscious Communication Therapies. This has enabled her to work alongside her colleagues in the NHS and private sector, providing effective intervention, support and advice for families and educational settings.
Claire has worked extensively across mainstream schools, special schools, Autism Resource Provisions, preschools, nurseries, Child Development Centres and within clients' homes, providing 1:1 therapy, group therapy, training, assessment and advice.
Areas of specialism include: young children presenting with features of/diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); developmental and acquired stammering in children and adults; speech sound delay/disorders; social communication difficulties; attention and listening difficulties; emotional regulation and behaviour management; psychology of communication and interaction.
Claire has undertaken specialist postgraduate training in Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Intensive Interaction, Challenging Behaviour Management, Palin Parent Child Interation (Palin PCI), Family Communication Skills Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), Attachment Theory and Behaviour Mapping, Makaton, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).
Claire holds a Masters degree (MA) in Phonetics and a First Class Hons BSc Clinical Language Sciences (Speech and Language Therapy) degree. Before pursuing her passion as a Speech Therapist, Claire worked as a translator and interpreter for two multinational companies after qualifying with a BA French and Spanish degree.